KIT books
Parents and teachers are encouraged to communicate primarily with each other through the Keeping In Touch (KIT) book that the school supplies at the beginning of the year. Each family is allocated one KIT book for the year. This book is sent home with the child every afternoon and returned to school the following day. Important notices such as permission forms or notifications about student absences are communicated through the KIT book.
A Durong Drum is published every Monday in paper copy and online. This is an effective way to keep up to date with the happenings of the school, its staff and students.
Parents may also be contacted by group email to deliver notices through a secure email group. Teachers and the principal may email parents directly for matters regarding their child.
Phone calls
Teachers may contact parents with a phone call for urgent matters or emergencies. Parents are encouraged to call teachers before or after school should they wish to talk with the teacher.
Parent-teacher interviews
Parent-teacher interviews are offered twice a year to discuss progress at school. These will usually be offered at the end of term 2 and term 4. Parents can request to meet with a teacher at any time through an arranged meeting time.