Durong South State School is currently made up of two multi-age classroom consisting of students from Kindergarten to Year 2 and Year 3 to Year 6. The school employs several personnel that help maintain the successful operation on a day-to-day basis. The teaching principal is supported by 4 part-time teachers, 1 full-time teacher aide, 2 part-time teacher aides, an administration officer, grounds person, cleaner and volunteer staff who work on a regular basis.
Our school prides itself on the development of our young people and our motto, 'Progress Through Learning', encapsulates our philosophy of teaching. Being a small school with multi-age classes, our teaching practices need to be varied and flexible to ensure that we abide by our mission statement, that, every day, in every lesson, every student is learning and achieving.
The school works collaboratively with the P&C association to make valuable connections between the school and the broader community. The Durong South P&C association are dedicated to supporting various school initiatives and programs.
The Department of Education (the department) is committed to ensuring Queensland children and families have access to a kindergarten program wherever they live.
The department provides kindergarten programs in selected approved State Schools in communities where families would otherwise not have access to a kindergarten program. Kindergarten is proudly provided at our school 5 days per fortnight. We offer an approved kindergarten program delivered by a qualified teacher to children who are at least four years old by 30 June in the year they start the program.
Please see the enrolments tab for information on how to register your child. The kindergarten program at our school is provided on the following days:
| Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri (Odd weeks) |
Start | 8:50 am | | 8:50 am | | 8:50 am |
Finish | 3 pm | | 3 pm | | 3 pm |